Project Template

Directory structure

Orbs Lambda enforces a strict directory structure for your project. It is recommended to create a local fork of the official Orbs Lambda repo on GitHub:

  • The root of your project should contain a top-level directory with your unique ID

  • This directory should contain the file index.js - the main entry point of your lambda

  • This directory may contain any additional dependencies (.js and .json files)

  • This directory may contain a test suite under the test subdirectory

    • Test suite files should have the .spec.js suffix

    • The tests directory may contain any additional dependencies (.js and .json files)

  • Any package.json files should be found in the root

Setting up example

Assuming your local project working directory is my-lambda-project

git clone my-lambda-project

And assuming your unique ID is unique-example

This is the expected directory structure:

├─ unique-example/
|  ├─ index.js
|  ├─ optional-dependency.js
|  ├─ optional-dependency.json
|  ├─ test/
|  |  ├─ my-tests.spec.js
|  |  ├─ more-tests.spec.js
|  |  ├─ optional-dependency.js
|  |  ├─ optional-dependency.json
├─ package.json

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